Monitor Arms: Increasing Comfort and Productivity in the Workplace

Sitting at your desk to work for about eight hours a day can be very harmful to your body and your health. According to NPR, sitting all day is worse for you than you might have imagined. Epidemiologist Steven Blair, a professor of public health at the University of South Carolina, has done a fair amount of investigating the correlation between physical activity and health. According to Steven Blair, many of us have sedentary jobs and engage in sedentary activities after work, such as watching television or sitting around a dinner table. Blair suggests that this is much more sitting than actual physical engagement.

Steven Blair conducted a study which examined the relationship between sedentary behavior and cardiovascular disease. According to his research, there was a higher chance of cardiovascular death amongst men who were more involved in sedentary activity.

According to a survey by Weight Watchers, 67% of us spend our lives sitting down for a majority of the day. Since 67% of us spend our time sitting down, it is crucial that we are comfortable while doing so.

One way to increase our levels of comfort is by using a monitor arm for our computers. A monitor arm can assist with the positioning of our computer screens. When our computer screens are placed inappropriately, we can suffer from discomfort. For example, if we place our monitors too low, it can force us to bend our necks in an unnatural position. If our monitors are placed too far away, we have to lean in. This causes us to hunch our shoulders.

When we have a monitor arm set at the right position, it helps our levels of comfort tremendously. With a monitor arm set up at the correct position, efficiency and productivity at the workplace can be increased due to higher levels of comfort.